An Ode of Community Commitments

for Cedar Moon -- props to Community Alternatives Society, B.C.

(This is not a set of laws, and as such is not written under the assumption that somehow it can be detailed or universal enough to cover every situation. Our core commitment is to the living web of relations among the people of all species with whom we interdepend. This is just a marker and a trace, a tool for memory and wisdom.)

As a member of this community rooted in respect, I commit myself:

  1. To respect the web of living things in this place and around the world, and to work towards sustainability in all its myriad forms (Ecological Respect);

  2. To respect the evolving values, culture, and structure of the community, our consensus decision-making process, and the members of the public that use the land (Community Respect);

  3. To respect personal boundaries, touch others appropriately, and refrain from violence (Physical Respect);

  4. To respect other people's feelings and emotions, and take responsibility for my own (Emotional Respect);

  5. To be honest, to use respectful forms of communication with others, and to hear what others are saying to me (Verbal Respect);

  6. To respect my own and others' right to privacy, solitude, quiet, and security in personal space, to negotiate the use of communal space, and to care for individual, communal, and community property (Territorial Respect); and

  7. To respect the diversity of people's self-identified gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, spiritual practices, age, and physical and mental capabilities (Respect for Diversity).

Respect implies responsibility. I further commit:

  1. To be conscientious in my participation in community meetings and collectively agreed decisions;

  2. To take responsibility for communicating my thoughts and feelings;

  3. To contribute time and energy to working groups, work parties, chores, and personal work as agreed by the community and TLC Farm, the nonprofit, and to negotiate the duration and terms of any reduction in participation I may require;

  4. To be open and conscientious about my financial responsibilities;

  5. To work towards resolving conflict healthfully and deeply, and to participate in the conflict resolution procedures the community develops;

  6. To take a consensus training (or equivalent) as soon as practically possible after joining, and within a year and a day to take a facilitation training and to learn the principles of permaculture design; and

  7. To leave the community, freely and without contest or claim, if one-half or more of members feel that my presence is no longer conducive to the healthy function of the community and our work in the world.

(This last point is a deep safety valve designed to maintain trust among participants that everyone is willing and able to work together. If such trust breaks down, so does a community rooted in consensus process. To avoid this possibility, we operate on the basis of free association. Normally, the community will engage in conflict resolution processes and may offer one or more probation periods to heal rifts in other ways; but it is not required to do so. Anyone may propose a public balloting to ask the question, from which point everyone has one week in which to register their opinion. If someone is asked to leave, they will normally be given one month's notice.)

As a member of this community, I commit myself to the respect and responsibility described in the Ode of Community Commitments.

(Signature) (Date)

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