Cedar Moon Mason Bees Hand-cleaned and sorted

Now shipping bees for Spring 2025

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Emergence box, 10 cocoons

Blue Orchard bee x 10
$20 Add to Cart

Emergence box, 20 cocoons

Hornfaced bee x 20
$30 Add to Cart

Bulk mason bees (minimum 50)

$1.25 per bee Add to Cart

Note: If you have particular needs around shipping dates, please note as much during payment or send us an email. We generally delay shipping until the beginning of the week to minimize transit time. Note that we ship Hornfaced bees east of the Rockies, where they are already fully established, but not west. If your address is west of the Rockies and you order Hornfaced bees, we will assume you made a mistake and ship you Blue Orchard bees instead. We ship Blue Orchard bees throughout the continental US. Our bees are raised in Portland, Oregon, and will thrive best in areas with a similar climate.

All orders will be shipped by USPS Priority Mail, with icepacks to maximize bee health. However, despite our best efforts, some may die in hibernation. If you wish to pick up your bees onsite, rather than have them mailed, please email us. You may order online to make sure the bees are reserved; we'll refund shipping charges if you make explicit in the notes that you wish to pick up in person. Also, we encourage you to order our bees as early in the season as possible so that they will ship during cool outdoor temperatures (but not a deep freeze -- we can work with you to optimize shipping time if you order early enough).

Returns and Refunds

As noted above, shipping bees is inherently hazardous, despite our best precautions. Some may emerge and/or perish on the journey. We do not accept returns for obvious reasons, and your purchase is nonrefundable. However, if you are concerned about the quality or health of the bees you receive, please contact us and we will try to work with you to find a good solution.